Mentoring young people
The Aspirations project of the Bolton Lads and Girls Club is for looked after children aged 8-15 to provide one to one mentoring. It aimed to improve their confidence and relationships and by doing so, support them to increase their aspirations and engage in education, employment or training.
The Club was now looking to evaluate the project. We supported them in making sense of the data and how this project made a difference to the young people.
Not surprisingly, the biggest driver of change was the positive, asset-building approach. Young people were actively listened to, recognised for their talents and achievements. They were encouraged and empowered to and shape their relationships with their mentors. The mentors played a complementary role, acting as a bridge between young people and professionals due to their unique relationship with their mentees, leading to effective partnership working.
“When talking to people now, I feel equal to them and don’t worry about what they may know or who they are.”