10 steps
The 10 Steps for better participation training course, offered by the NHS England and Improvement Public Participation Team (tag @NHSCitizen) is a one day practical course that allows NHS staff who work in public engagement roles to really get stuck into discussing how to work with people and communities to ensure that they are at the heart of the planning, design, implementation and review of all health services.
The participants of this course come away having learnt 10 clear steps for public engagement and with a detailed plan for any current project they offer up for discussion. The steps include range from setting outcomes through to evaluation.
This course increases the understanding of participation and engagement in relation to health inequalities and looks at strategies to build inclusion of communities.
Working in partnership
We simply love running and facilitating this course in partnership with our colleagues at @JustIdeas. It is both practical in nature but it also touches on supporting people and communities to influence which is an issue embedded in our values and very close to our hearts.
This course is delivered by a core training team alongside an experienced group of Patient and Public Voice (PPV) partners who form a peer training team. The peer trainers bring the valuable perspective of having lived experience and having been involved in wide ranging PPV roles in different parts of the health system.