Supporting the Patient and Public Voice
Client: NHS England
The WSA / Just Ideas partnership has been commissioned to support Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Representatives within NHS England through offering a two-day training programme in different locations across England. The training is also open to some NHS staff members who want to better understand the PPV role.
PPV Representatives play a key role within NHS England, regional health initiatives, Clinical Commissioning Groups and GP practice Patient Participation Groups. The projects we have done recognise this and build on it as we work with the PPV teams at NHS England.
Previously, we delivered a PPV training programme for NHS England (London) across the capital for those working in a range of PPV roles. We also developed some online learning courses for PPV partners to access.
We are now delivering a range of two-day training courses along with other training interventions. To date, this training has consisted of three two-day courses delivered across the country to support and encourage PPV reps within their role.
“It has been a fantastic opportunity, and exceptional training. I was not as positive when I got here yesterday morning as I am now. I’m going home with a sense that we will be able to improve the system.” – PPV training participant.”
In addition to these sessions, we’ve also been working alongside a group of 13 PPV Partners as peer trainers to help us deliver the training and gain from their experience in the role. This assistance has added value in the delivery of the training alongside our team at some of the sessions.